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During term 4 we will be piloting two different bell schedules during to introduce an academic support block known as Laker Block. This block is designed to provide students with dedicated time for extra help, enrichment, interventions, and academic support during the school day. 

During the first week of the trial students will report to their homeroom advisory for Laker Block. Starting in week two of the trial, students will have the ability to move to different classrooms, depending on their academic needs. The trial will allow us to assess which schedule best meets the needs of both students and staff. We will gather feedback throughout the process to make adjustments as needed. 

Trial #1 will run from March 31st to April 18th and features a fixed schedule with two 56 minute Laker Blocks. Trial #2 will run from April 28th to May 16th and will follow our existing rotating/drop schedule with one weekly Laker Block, following our existing mid-day extended advisory schedule.

As part of the Laker Block trial schedule, students will be introduced to Flex Scheduling. We will use Laker Block time to provide an overview to students. You can also learn more about it here.  Additional information, including frequent reminders, will be rolled out via email and at school during announcements. 


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